Tactility Surgical Learning System (#2126)

Tactility Surgical Learning System (#2126)

pdfView BrochureA complete training system for basic intestinal operative skills. The Tactility Surgical Learning System is a collaboration between The Chamberlain Group and the Dept. of Surgery at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA. Designed for resident training, the system enables surgical learners to perform basic intestinal operative skills and to identify technical errors in the act of performing surgery. The model, curriculum, and advanced trainer not only lend themselves to the execution of specific skills, but also to the repetition of these skills, or deliberate practice. A face validity study has been performed with expert practitioners completing single- and double-layered hand-sewn anastomoses on porcine bowel, a competitive synthetic bowel product and the Tactility Bowel. The study concluded that the Tactility product offered similar levels of fidelity to human tissue as porcine bowel and provided a greater level of realism than the competition (see Related News below).

The complete Tactility Surgical Learing System includes:

  •   Anastomosis stand, tray, and patency assessment fixture
  •   Twelve 10 ” long, 1 inch diameter, mimetic bowel tissue segments
  •   Surgical Instruments: 2 forceps, 3 hemostats, 1 scissors, 1 needle driver, 2 60cc syringes
  •   Lubricant and simulated succus entericus
  •   Curriculum booklet, DVD, and laminated pocket guide
  •   Specimen case and progress tags
  •   Hard plastic carrying case

Replacement Tactility Bowel segments are available in packs of 6 (#2128) or packs of 12 (#2129). Please contact us for details.


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