Sam Pediatric General Surgery Module (#4096)

Sam Pediatric General Surgery Module (#4096)

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Add Hands On, High Fidelity Simulation to Your Pediatric Team Training in General Surgery

NOW AVAILABLE —the latest addition to our line of interchangeable anatomy modules for the Surgical Sam Infant Team Trainer. Our General Surgery Module (#4096) broadens the scope of procedures for which Sam is intended, to include ED-to-OR general surgery scenarios.

The thorax and abdomen of the General Surgery Module present a trachea, ventilatable lungs, liver and gallbladder, esophagus, stomach and attached mesentery membrane, small bowel with rooted mesentery, colon, and inferior vena cava. Bowels can be filled with succus entericus simulant and are suturable for active repair. There are separate liver and IVC blood flows and a diffuse surgical bleed, all within a fluid-tight abdominal cavity. Bleeder sites on the abdominal IVC are obscured by the small bowel and colon. Bleeding liver has embedded sensors that respond to the simulated electrocautery pen with visual and auditory cueing. Hemorrhagic events can be controlled at each of the bleed sites via remote feeds, enabling pre-planned scenarios to be enacted at the OR table and directed in real time in response to clinical interventions.


  • Chest with Lungs (#4116) ventilatable
  • Abdomen with Organs (#4117) with diffuse bleed
    • Replaceable IVC with bleeder sites (#4110)
    • Bleeding Liver with Gallbladder (#4111) and electrocautery effect
    • Replaceable Stomach with Omentum (#4115)
    • Replaceable Small Bowel with Rooted Mesentery (#4113) suture and staple compatible
    • Replaceable Colon (#4117) suture and staple compatible

Surgical Sam is built on a “chassis” (#4094) with interchangeable thoracic and abdominal anatomy modules available; the Sam Pediatric Cardiothoracic Module (#4095) or the Sam Pediatric General Surgery Module (#4096). Surgical Sam represents a 14 month old boy of average length and head circumference.

Learn more about Surgical Sam configured for General Surgery Training

Emergent resternotomy and redo laparotomy scenarios, developed by the faculty at Boston Children’s Hospital, have been repeatedly performed with each module by full OR teams, as part of a multi-year study, under the guidance of the BCH Simulator Program (SIMPeds) director and principal investigator, Peter Weinstock, MD, PhD. BCH SIMPeds and Chamberlain collaborated to bring Surgical Sam to life, meeting unmet need of immersive team training that engages the entire OR, including surgery, in the care of the smallest of patients.


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