MICS Thorax (#1376)
MICS Thorax (#1376)
Specialty: Cardiology,Cardiothoracic,Critical Care,Robotic Surgery
Realistic Mimetic Anatomy for Deliberate Practice of MICS CABG and MIS Mitral Valve Procedures
- Intercostal or Sub-Xiphoid Approach
- Thoracoscopic IMA Takedown
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
- Mitral Valve Repair
- Annuloplasty
Developed from patient CT data, this is the most realistic mimetic thorax available for MICS procedures.
ReplaceÂable right and left chest wall panels contain flexible ribs (4–8) embedded in tissue to accommodate ports, incisions and the use of rib spreaders. Accepts Rultract and Thoratrak retractors. ReplaceÂable IMAs allow the learner to perform thoracoscopic takedown and grafting. Product consists of: locking, rotating and tilting trainer base; pliable lungs; fixed diaphragm; thoracic spine; sternum; permanent inferior chest wall panel; permanent superior chest wall panel (ribs 1–3); replaceable right chest wall, replaceable left chest wall.
- One set of replaceable Chest Walls (right #1381 and left #1382)
- One set of Pliable Lungs (right and left)
- One set of Blank IMAs (right and left) included if IMAs are not purchased
Accessorize MICS Thorax to Suit Your Training Needs & Budget
Our line of MICS Mitral CABG Hearts, designed specifically for use with our MICS Thorax Trainer, provide a realistic environment and access for minimally invasive mitral valve and CABG procedures. These highly detailed, mimetic tissue hearts are our most immersive solution for mitral valve repair and annular ring placement with appropriate pathologies. They feature CABG sites, patent chambers, and replaceable left atria with magnetic fastenings that allow for quick replacement of parts. CABG sites are compatible with all our native coronaries and graft vessels for MIS bypass procedures. Replaceable mimetic tissue Pericardia are available and serve to secure the heart within the Thorax.
- MICS Mitral CABG Heart (#1390 )
- MICS Mitral CABG Beating Heart with Ancillary (#1413 )
- MICS Mitral Larger Adult CABG Heart (#1406 )
- MICS Mitral Larger Adult CABG Beating Heart with Ancillary (#1407)
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